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    Online Management Application

    Your Contact Information
    Date of Birth
    Date of Birth
    Application Instructions
    Thank you for taking the time to apply for the online Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Management! Our hope is that during the application we get the opportunity to learn about you.

    There are no right or wrong answers to the essay questions, and no formulas are used when we read them. We simply want to learn more about your background, and these questions are an opportunity for us to better understand your interest in the program as well as a chance for you to provide us with helpful information.

    You can choose to tell us about an experience in a community or nonprofit organization, student group, or your work environment. In your answer, tell us about the situation or task, focusing on your role, any actions that you took, and the results.

    A complete application includes answers to three questions and you may choose to answer the optional question.

    NOTE: For all of the questions, we'd like to hear about both the good and the bad. What went well and not so well? What would you do differently if you had another chance to repeat the experience?
    Choose and respond to THREE of the following questions. Each response should be 300 to 500 words.
    Save your responses to a Word or PDF document. Prior to each question response, COPY the question so we may associate your response to the question you selected. Once complete, upload your document below.

    Your responses must be your own work and ideas. Boise State policy prohibits presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, including as part of an application process. This includes the use of generative AI (artificial intelligence).
    1. Tell us about a time when you identified a problem in an organization. How did you deal with the problem?

    2. Tell us about a time when you overcame a challenge. What did you learn from that experience?

    3. Tell us about a time when you had the opportunity to present (an idea, results, information or anything else) to colleagues or supervisors.

    4. Where have you had an impact in an organization?

    5. Tell us about a time you were able to make a decision in an organization.
    You may also choose to answer the following optional question: Is there anything else you would like to share with the Management program admissions committee?

    When you click the submit button below, your Management BBA application and uploaded materials will be submitted to the Management program admissions committee.