Please list the building and room number (e.g., Education Building, Room 525)
Zoom links for virtual defenses must be created by your program, following guidelines to create Zoom meetings requiring participant registration. If that has already been done, please provide your Zoom link. If that has not already been done, please note that the Zoom link is not yet created. We will confirm with your advisor and program coordinator.
Zoom Link Do you want your Zoom link to be publicly posted along with the physical location of your event? If you are creating a Zoom link to support remote participation of a committee member and you will not be sharing that link publicly, please select no and you will not need to share your Zoom link in this defense notification.
Zoom links for hybrid defenses that will be publicly posted must be created by your program, following guidelines to create Zoom meetings requiring participant registration. If that has already been done, please provide your Zoom link. If that has not already been done, please note that the Zoom link is not yet created. We will confirm with your advisor and program coordinator.
Doctor of Education (EdD) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) doctoral defenses require a Graduate Faculty Representative (GFR). PhD and EdD doctoral candidates are required to contact a member of the Graduate Faculty, and to confirm with that Graduate Faculty member that they are available during the defense time and are willing to serve as a GFR. Doctoral candidates should consult with their Supervisory Committee Chair (Major Advisor) regarding their GFR choice. The GFR at Boise State University serves as a symbol of campus-wide fairness, upholds the rigor of the graduate process, and is an impartial representative of the Graduate College to the doctoral student and their supervisory committee. The GFR serves as a nonvoting member of their Supervisory Committee, and during the defense procedure is responsible for making sure that each element of the defense is conducted in a way that is consistent with Graduate College guidelines. The GFR must be a member of the Graduate Faculty, cannot be an Affiliate, Adjunct or Emeritus member of the Graduate Faculty, and cannot be a member of the Graduate Program or College (or affiliated programs in the case of an interdisciplinary program,) that is granting the doctoral degree. A list of current Graduate Faculty is available on the Graduate College website.
Enter the email address of the Graduate Faculty Representative (GFR). A copy of this form is sent to the GFR on your behalf. Boise State University Directory