The Dean's Gem Scholarship for graduate students waives non-resident tuition for out-of-state and international graduate students with an overall GPA of at least 3.00 who are accepted into an eligible graduate degree program. Qualified students who attended Boise State as undergraduates are eligible for a Gem Scholarship, even if they received Gem support as an undergraduate. The Gem Scholarship is eligible for use in Fall and Spring terms only. Summer term is not eligible for use of the Gem Scholarship. To be considered for the award, a student must:
The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) allows master’s students who are residents of Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) member states, Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Hawaii (HI), Montana (MT), Nevada (NV), New Mexico (NM), North Dakota (ND), Oregon (OR), South Dakota (SD), Utah (UT), Washington (WA), Wyoming (WY), US Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States, to enroll in graduate programs at some 60 public institutions outside of their home state and pay resident tuition. The WRGP Scholarship is eligible for use in Fall and Spring terms only. Summer term is not eligible for use of the WRGP Scholarship.